Showing: 11 - 15 of 25 RESULTS

Daily Use / Japanese Verbs list

This is for class use. I personally believe that it is better not to translate Japanese verbs into English words. In some cases, fortunately, verbs have same concepts as English, however it does not apply to everything. I want my students to grasp the images of the vocabulary. This list is not for passing the …

To lose in Japanese 無くす?亡くす?失う?

無くす(なくす) This なくす is used when we lose something tangible. 財布を無くす lose a wallet 鍵をなくす lose a key ペンを無くす lose a pen 亡くす(なくす) This なくす is used when we lose someone. *This is a transitive verb. Always someone who is deceased is the object in the sentence and I is the subject. 去年、母を亡くした。 I lost …

行く to go・来る to come in Japanese

First of all, you need to know that we do not have future tense. In Japanese, present tense is used as future tense. That means if you say ‘行きます。’, that will be ‘I will go’ in English. Grammatically, it is called present tense, though. Firstly, 行く(to go) We use the verb 行く (いく・to go) before …