The key phrase is あぶない (abunai) which is い adjective, and I assume you have learnt it as ‘dangerous‘. Translation into English will be changed depending on the tense. Let’s take a look together! Present tense 危ない! あぶないabunai watch out! Past tense 危なかった! あぶなかったABUNAKATTA it was a close call. Vulgar way 危ねっ あぶねっAbune (‘e’ at …
Learn Japanese with Guilty by Tohoshinki
With this song, you can learn some “dark” expressions and vocabulary which I hardly teach students during face-to-face lesson! Hope you enjoy it! Lyrics *details below Hey, you know what I mean?Let me know, let me knowLet me know, come on ならくのそこへと しずんでゆく たいよう Oh why? 奈落の底へと 沈んでゆく太陽 すべてが ゆめだと つきつけるやみ 全てが *幻想(ゆめ)だと 突き付ける闇 I can’t believe you let me down なみだが いみしたものは 涙が 意味したものは …
Look Forward to It in Japanese
Formal Scene I am looking forward to it. 楽しみにしています。 たのしみにしています。tanoshimini shiteimasu. I am looking forward to seeing you. お会いできることを楽しみにしています。 おあいできることをたのしみにしています。oaidekirukotowo TANOSHIMINI SHITEIMASU. Casual Scene Can’t wait! ① 楽しみ! たのしみ!tanoshimi! *this is the most common way to say ‘cannot wait!’. Can’t wait! ② 待ちきれない! まちきれない!machikirenai! *This is the exact translation of ‘cannot wait!’ Can’t wait! ③ …
Japanese Verb, To Stop やめる or とめる?
Both やめる and とめる means to stop something, however there is a nuance. 止める(やめる) やめる means “to stop a behavior or action”. This can be translated to “to quit” as well. 止める(とめる) とめる means “to stop a movement”. Quiz 1. If you want to stop smoking, how do you say it in Japanese? 2. Let’s …
Goodbye in Japanese
The Standard Japanese Way of Saying Goodbye “またね (mata-né)” is often used to say “see you again” within friends and someone close to. “また(mata)” literally means “again”. With “ね (né)” at the end, it sounds friendly and can see close relationship. Without “ね (né)”, we see distance. If you suddenly take off “ね (né)” from …