Both やめる and とめる means to stop something, however there is a nuance. 止める(やめる) やめる means “to stop a behavior or action”. This can be translated to “to quit” as well. 止める(とめる) とめる means “to stop a movement”. Quiz 1. If you want to stop smoking, how do you say it in Japanese? 2. Let’s …
Goodbye in Japanese
The Standard Japanese Way of Saying Goodbye “またね (mata-né)” is often used to say “see you again” within friends and someone close to. “また(mata)” literally means “again”. With “ね (né)” at the end, it sounds friendly and can see close relationship. Without “ね (né)”, we see distance. If you suddenly take off “ね (né)” from …
Japanese Verb, to open あける or ひらく?
In English, both あける and ひらく mean “to open”. In some cases, we can use both of them for the same object. However it is not every time. There is a slight nuance between them. 開ける(あける) あける means “to open”, but at the same time, it implies something can go through because it is open. …
Day by Day in Japanese
We cannot translate it by a word. Depending on the sentence, we need to change it. Let’s see with example sentences. 一日ずつ いちにちずつichinichi zutsu どうぶつの森は、日にちを変えないで一日ずつやりましょう!doubutsunomori wa, hinichi wo kaenaide ichinichi zutsu yarimashou! You should play Animal Crossing day by day without changing the dates. 一日ずつ。(しっかりと生きて行こう!)ichinichi zutsu. (shikkarito ikiteikou!)*inside the parenthesis is an implication. One day …
I Hope You Will Like It in Japanese
To your close friends or someone younger 気に入ってくれるといいなぁ! きにいってくれると いいなぁkiniittekureruto iinaa 気に入ってくれますように! きにいって くれますようにkiniitte kuremasuyouni! To someone in a higher position / acquaintance 気に入って頂けると嬉しいです。 きにいって いただけると うれしいです。kiniitte itadakeruto ureshiidesu.